Two things you'll always be happy you took control of: Your birthday and your career

Plan your birthday. It's silly not to spend at least one day of the year doing EXACTLY what you, and only you, want to do. Plan it. Figure out who you'd like to spend time with. Figure out what kind of day you'd like to have. Invite people if you want them around. Pick the place where you'd like to eat. Book this yourself. It makes for a delicious day. And then if someone does something nice for you, that is an absolute bonus. But you've ensured that you are going to have a lovely day.

Plan your next career move. It doesn't matter if you:
➡️just got promoted
➡️own your own business
➡️or your next move is retirement

There is a long list of benefits:
1. it builds confidence to know your value
2. keeps you from being blindsided
3. keeps you aware of what the competition is doing
4. makes you look at how you spend your time differently, if there is a built-in next step
5. helps your decision process stay focused
6. ensures you stay well rounded
7. helps you not take what you have for granted
8. puts you in the driver's seat, rather than hoping someone else notices you
9. keeps you moving forward, regardless of what other's are doing
10. keeps you energized

What's your plan?

#career #careerpivot #promotion


Situational Confidence, It’s a Thing

