Do You Know What To Do When Your Life Is Turned Upside Down?

Most people don’t.

Here are some of the "turn upside down" things I'm talking about:

-You are a C-Suite executive who just got "downsized"
-Your identity of 20 years was with a company who just let you go.
-The kid(s) left for college.
-Instead of being Mr or Mrs you are now solo.
-You or (family member) developed a devastating illness
-Death of a loved one
-Death of a pet
-You've been in a toxic relationship
-You've become a parent
-You are now the caretaker of your parent(s)
-You've moved towns, citied, or countries

The list is long and is never-ending because we ALL go through many, many distruptions in our lives.

And most of us are ill-equipped to move through to transformation.

In fact 59% of people will do one of the following:
-Feel paralaysis and have no idea what to do next
-Jump to “exactly” the same thing, regardless if “same” is “best”
-Stay stuck for a long time

*****If those resonate with you, you are not alone*****

And now we have some practical, applicable, tested, techniques to move you from disruption to transformation.

Through her groundbreaking research, Linda Rossetti has developed technique available called HAIL™ .

Business leader, Harvard MBA, Podcast Host (Destination Unknown), Speaker, Pioneering Researcher and Author of Dancing with Disruption and Women & Transition, Linda spent a decade developing HAIL™.

It is a truly cathartic methodology that helps us move through disruption to transformation, rather than being stuck, eaten alive, or lost.

HAIL™ is a framework for honoring the emotions that come up in times of major disruption. Let's face it, emotions are easier to squelch down. But nothing good generally comes from it.

H= honor
A= ask
I = influence
L = learn

I am incredibley proud to be one of first 10 coaches IN THE WORLD certified in HAIL™! 🤩

If you would like to learn more here are things things you can do:
1. Order a copy of Linda’s book, Dancing with Disruption
2. DM me for conversation about moving through one of your life’s disruptions.
3. DM me to hold a workshop for a group.
4. Visit Linda Rosetti’s website.


50, NOT DEAD SEASON 2, EPISODE 1 : Michelle Little


Are You a Woman With a Powerful Voice Who Knows She Wants to Use It?