50, NOT DEAD EPISODE 24: Barbara Birke
Barbara Birke brings an impressive depth of experience to her work as a holistic health coach. Sports scientist, mindset coach, nutritionist, health coach with a background in the sporting goods industry, Barbara helps you "find your thrive".
In this wonderfully informative episode, we laugh a lot about being an age where there are lots of households with hormonal teens and hormonal moms...and how the side effects that can really suck, don't have to suck that badly after all.
Moms are moving into the "no B.S." phase of their lives just at the time it feels their teens are moving into the "it's all B.S." point of their lives.
Listen in and learn why it is best for everybody when you are healthy selfish; guard your sleep, eat nutritiously, don't let your blood sugar yo-yo all around, move and manage your stress.
She ends with three tips:
1. 7-9 hours of sleep
2. Eat a plant-forward diet and mind your gut health
3. Get outside for 20 minutes every day